The ARKAD Foundation hosts in its premises sculptorors and art students from all over the world.

- Artists residency: Louis Rea Lopez, Christine Lenoir.
- Student in training:within the European programme “Erasmus”, the Foundation hosted the German student Julius Golderer.

- Artists residency: Christophe Loyer, Janine Kortz-Waintrop, Christine Lenoir, Park Seung Wan.
- Student in training: the Foundation hosted Pierre Salaun, a student at the University of Design Eindhoven in the Netherlands, for five months; during his stay he made a series of furniture pieces cut from a single block of marble with a numerically controlled wire.

- Artists residency: Joel Richard, Umit Turgay Durgun, Christine Lenoir, Emmanuel Alloy, Yann Barrere, Paolo Fini, Katie Lee.

- Artists residency: Joel Richard, Umit Turgay Durgun, Christine Lenoir, Luis Gomez Rea, Emmanuel Alloy, Yann Barrere, Alexandre Merle, Paolo Fini.

- Marble sculpture workshop with nine students from France with the professor Michel Herzèle.

Artist residency with Robert Chambon and a group of sculptors from France.

Artists residency with:
-architects Paul and Anne Lise Feeney from Herzog&DeMeuron Studio in Basel.
-Jina Lee, corean artist, with a Rio Tinto Emerging Sculptor Mentorship
-Christine Lenoir from France
-Yann Barrère, Kees Woestenenk, Umit Turgay Durgun and Bahadir Çolak.

- Marble sculpture course organized with the sculptor Robert Chambon for a group of students from France.

- A student from the Chinese University of Architecture in Hong Kong is invited: Rina Ko.
Sculpture courses organized by Martine Salavize of Paris, sculptor, with six students.

- Program during which two students from the Central Academy of Fine Arts of Peking were hosted: Duan Xiao Ming and Liang Er Lilong.
Stage in which two students from the Ecole Supérieure des Métiers d’Arts d’Arras were hosted: Guillaume Lamy (FR) and Bertrand Kohli (FR).

- Stage of marble sculpture for ten students of Strate College of Paris, with professor Michel Herzèle.
- Two sculpture courses organized by the sculptors Martine Salavize and Robert Chambon.
- Stage at the end of the course in which the student Florian Caraby of the School of Métiers d'Art d’Arras, Guillaume Marti of the Saint Lambert School in Paris and the student Katy Sazensky (USA) were hosted.
- The artist Kees Woestenenk (NL) is invited.

- Marble sculpture course with ten students, in collaboration with the French sculptor Robert Chambon.
- Stage of marble sculpture for ten students of the Strate College of Paris, in collaboration with the French sculptor professor Michel Herzèle.

FONDAZIONE ARKAD ETS Viale Leonetto Amadei 309 (ex Via del Palazzo 437) 55047 Seravezza LU
Codice Fiscale 91064160467 - Partita IVA: 02723200461
Tel. +39 0584 75 70 34
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