Fourth edition:
April 22 – June 4, 2006
Arkad Foundation Gallery, Seravezza (LU)

The theme of Enoliarte 2006 that inspired the works of the artists beneath the banner of one single creative concept was " Marble, Pleasure, Food ".
Sixty-four artists from over 15 different nations offered the public works of painting, photography, sculpture, installations and videos with the intent of recovering the material nature and the aesthetic and emotional values of food.

White Marble from the Apuan Alps, the sculptor's favorite material, was paired with   Food, the universal stimulant of the senses, observed in its perennial transformation into Pleasure and gratification.
Pleasure, on the other hand, was nourished with chocolate and olive oil, two substances whose aphrodisiacal properties have been known for ages.

Collateral events
The narrative theatrical performance "Narrar di gusto" organized in collaboration with Osteria Teatro L'Atalante with Gianluca Orlandini and Vincenzo Levante as narrators and Lapo Marliani on guitar was staged on Sunday, April 23.
The exhibition was brought to conclusion with an auction that let collectors bid for the works on display.

Sponsored by: the Region of Tuscany, the Province of Lucca, the Municipality of Seravezza, Idealparty, Osteria L'Atalante

Participating artists: Ana Maria Alonso (Spain), Qian Sihua (China), Zhao Li (China), Giovanna Ambrogi (Italy), Isa Bourland (France), Renee Swire (USA), Vieri Parenti (Italy), Veronica Fonzo (Argentina), Ursula Balhorn (Germany), Francesco Martera (Italy), Elisa Corsini (Italy), Michele Pardini (Italy), Neal Barab (USA), Rosa Del Corto (Italy), Sylvestre Gauvrit (France), Anne Claire Van den Elshout (Holland), Nicole Dumas (France), Cinzia Rossi Ghion (Italy), Andy Tappeiner (Italy), Simon Troger Italy), Cristiana Cravanzola (Italy), Christine Madiès (France), Giorgia OLM (Italy), Giuseppe Gavazza (Italy), Monica Trevisan (Italy), Johannes Pfeiffer (Germany), Quentin Bertoux (France), Annalia Migliacci (Italy), Silvina Spravkin (Argentina), Sylvia Loew (Brazil), Valente Cancogni (Italy), Sergio Mazzanti (Italy), Marta Della Croce (Italy), Giliola Presice (Italy), Gianfranco Stacchi (Italy), Miguel Ausili (Argentina), Raquel Aversano (Argentina), Stefania Brandinelli (Italy), Robin Bell (Canada), Nora Roitberg (Argentina), Francesca Sivori (Italy), Raffaella Robustelli (Italy), Jorge Romeo (Argentina), Chao-Mi Ko (Taiwan), Lisbeth Murel (Denmark), Mario Apone (Italy), Andrea Rovatti (Italy), Lutras (Italy), Tiziana Tacconi (Italy), Monica Michelotti (Italy), Cobàs (Italy), Renzo Bighetti (Italy), Tigey Mabrey (USA), Achille Pardini (Italy), Cynthia Sah (China), Elena Bianchini (Italy), Nicolas Bertoux (France), Silvia Vendramel (Italy), Maria Gamundi (Venezuela), Roberto Palma (Italy), Alfreda Mastromei (Italy), Fernando Ferri (Argentina), Silvano Cattai (Italy), Maria Rita Montagnani (Italy).

Created by:

FONDAZIONE ARKAD ETS Viale Leonetto Amadei 309 (ex Via del Palazzo 437) 55047 Seravezza LU
Codice Fiscale 91064160467 - Partita IVA: 02723200461
Tel. +39 0584 75 70 34
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